I've got no plan during new year last week. Seriously I’m not in the mood to celebrate. I meant for this year lah. Previous2 year rajin plak celebrate. Hehehe. Tak pelah sesekali duduk rumah & enjoyed TV show lagi bagus, dari berasak2 kt luar dgn org. Okey fine.
On Monday before new year, my boss aka President/CEO dah inform nak lunch together on Tuesday. Katanya for new year lunch. So on Tuesday itself, we were having a lunch together with corporate staffs/ office staffs. So we heading to USJ Taipan together. Pool car gitu.
We had our lunch at Logenhaus Roast & Grill. For your info, this restaurant is belonging to his good friend. Ordered & chit-chat. Mcm ni lah klu keluar dgn colleagues with bosses. Nak snapped pics pun payah. Malu uolssss. Org lain sibuk borak2, kita snapped pic. Apa hal kan. So ni pun amik sorok2. hehehe.
While we were waiting for our main course, we were given a basket of garlic bread together with mushroom soup. The next dishes arrived….
Makan dan berborak. Biasalah kan. Tu mmg agenda utama klu pergi makan. But takda lah cerita pasal kerja sgt. Just borak2 kosong jer.
Around 3pm jugak baru kita balik to office. I like the restaurant’s environment, is not bad. Menarik. Cuma parking lah agak payah. Tau2 jer lah Taipan kan. Always full with cars & jammed gitu.
But I'd definitely be back soon!!! Korang pun boleh try :)
sedap nyerrrr..
Sedap aje bila tengah lapar macam ni dan dapat tengok gambar aje. Kalau akaklah Lyn keluar makan dengan bosses, memang takda pics lah. Sedangkan keluar sendiri pun tak snap pic! :D
kty ni 2-3 hari ni dok terbayang eskerem coklat je ni ..ptg kang harus beli nie
betul tuh kak...dari berasak lagi best kite duk depan tv hahaha
mmg sedap :)
hehehe.. dah habit.. mmg nak snapped. klu tak snapped nak sah. tu pun sorok2.. hehehe
wajib pergi beli kakty
kan.... seronok boleh baring2
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