I went to 100 Doraemon Secret Gadgets Expo during CNY eve before flying off to have a look at all the gadgets exhibition. Only 3 of us. But most semua Chinese dlm tu. Dorang ni tak raya ker?? Hehehe. Yg Melayu & India boleh kira berapa org.
The main reason I went there is because of my niece, Puteri. She's a huge fans of Doraemon and I jugak terpaksa terlibat sama. Actually Lyn pun suka jugak tgk Doraemon. But lately ni mcm dah lama sgt tak tgk.
Let the picture speak for itself. Tak tau mau letak caption apa :)
Actually tak lah besar sgt expo ni. Tak sampai 1 jam pun dah habis round. Cuma kat tempat souvenir jer lah ramai org duk membeli. Yg penting budak2 enjoy dpt tgk expo ni. Mak pak tumpang sama enjoy. hehehe
If you all don't know about the expo, here's the details:
Venue: Viva Home Expo Hall
Date: 14 Dec 2013 to 23 Mar 2014 (10 am - 10 pm)
Adult (13 yrs old above): RM25
Child (4-12 yrs old): RM15
Adult (13 yrs old above): RM25
Child (4-12 yrs old): RM15
Bring along ur kids, sure dorang suka :)
Ohhh b4 nih ada dgr pasal doraemon nih..xtau la plk diorang buat expo..ingatkan diorang buat jenis yg macam hello kitty tuh haha
i tak update2 lagi cerita pegi expo doraemon ni ha.. huhu..
ntah bila nak bawak dania pi sini...
tu ler yg ada..
ade show, tpi selection date jer katanya..
haah... lupa plak u pun ada pergi..
takpe nnti update yer
still got time along..
sampai march
macam menarik gak nie ..
Bercakap pasal si doraemon ni Lyn teringat zaman uni akak dulu. Bila pergi field trip aje bawa komik ni, pastu gelak-gelak dgn geng dalam khemah. Excited gila baca komik ni sebab macam2 idea doraemon ni tau!
bawak fir pg lah kak...
dulu lyn baca jugak komik doraemon ni.. syok jugak.. skrg ni ntah ada lagi ke tidak
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