
Take A Nap

16I was busy all weekend long and I didn’t get a beautiful sleep. I have not slept well in the last few weeks. Seriously I’m really tired. After a busy week with family gathering & holiday trip even CNY holidays, sampai takde masa nak berehat semua.

Rasa nak lelap jer kat office. Pantang dpt duduk. Nak terlena saja. hehehe. I kept looking at the clock, waiting for 5.30pm, so I could officially go to home & sleep. Hehehehe

Now, I can't wait to leave work and go home to take a nap. Hope I don't get involved in doing housework instead.... I soooo need a nap!!

[Pic, credited to Google image]


Suria Amanda said...

awal2 tahun semua bz kan Lyn....kalau la banyak cuti dan boleh cuti berehat jauh2 mesti bestkan.....

Linda said...

salam jumaat ;)

Mummydearie said...

Akak pun semalam tak kerja tidur. Tension betul. Hari ni dahlah Jumaat. Lagilah malas tu bermaharajalela ditambah lagi dengan ngantuk yang tak terkata. Cepatlah habis waktu pejabat!

Isteri kepada Suami said...


yeee sama lah kite kak..sofia pun skg ni memang asyik nak tido je.rs penat melampau..tido mlm awal gile..bangun pagi still liat nk bgn..haha
