Nomi, cendol jom tea break nanti..
Ok kak... cool….
Finally.. during tea break around 3.15pm, we went to the stall located outside the office nearby JVC Shah Alam named as Pak Teh Cendol. Still remember previous posting about laksa last year… same tempatlah ni. Besides cendol they served laksa. Laksa yg sgt sedap tuh. Hehehee.You can tapau or order to eat in stall is possible. Kitorang tapau aje. Coz my boss dah call. So kena lah cepat skit. Huhuhuh
Looked at their price. Not so much expensive rite. Just nice. Murah & sedap plak. Ramai org time tuh, sampai tak menang tangan taukey ni. Rezeki tu bang!! :)
We bought 1 pack of cendol biasa & 1 pack of cendol pulut. Lyn tak makan pulut, so beli yang biasa je. Masa abg tu bungkus, giler menelan ayaq liur dibuatnya. Klu lalu kat tekak.. alangkah nikmatnya….. hehehehe
Lepas tu terus balik office sbb ada kerja urgent yg nak dibuat. Sabar jelah ngn bos aku ni, time aku rest time tu lah dia nak call. Nasib baik bos aku faham aku pergi tea break. Tu yg balik office cepat2 then call him back. Terliur?? Sebab teringin punya pasal lah pergi cari petang tuh. Sekali dah dpt merasa, cukuplah kan.
The cendol was great. Sedap sesangat. Full with of red bean, green pandan noodles, condensed milk [santan] and shaved ice. The beans were soft enough, the noodles were good, and it was definitely sweet.
Bila lalu kat tekak…uik… sedapnyer tak terkata. Lagi2 di waktu panas. Memang sesuai pekena ice.
But not for me.. sometimes jer boleh. If not, I can’t sleep well. Cough..
Nyum! nyum!
Miss cendol pak akob ss16 shah alam..huhuu
cendol satuuuuuu... hiks. mmg terliur tgk entry kak lyn ni. tetibe rasa esok nk g pekena cendol lak. glup.
ari ni jgn minum ais kak lyn, sok nk nyanyi, hihi
sib baik baru pekena cendol n rojak, x lah terliur sgt..hehehe..wah..tea break leh nih..kak dee pya tea break..bancuh kopi kt pantry je..pastu minum dpn pc..hehehe..
petang-petang minum cendol baru cold
setapnyer... tp nak cari kat sek 14 la
miss cendol pak akob gak.. ehehhee
Wawa, wajib pekena cendol tuh.. klu tak nnti terliur plak.. hehehe
pss... senyap2.. malu lah..
yaty makn cendol yang ibu yaty buat jerk..
yang org2 jual tue susah skit lar nk msuk kat tekak nie..
Sesekali je kuar tuh. kebetulan bos tarak. klu ade mmg susah skit nak kuar.
bukan setakat cold.. tapi coolness.. Hahaha
Seks 14 mane ni?? shah alam or PJ.. heheh
kak lyn akan beli kat org melayu kita je. Mamak tak mau ler.. geli.. hahahah
Dulu my bro reti buat.. tapi skrg tak lagi.. sbb tu beli jer kat luar.. hehehe
sedapnyer... ni yang nak pi cari cendol nih...
kalau ly..kompem tido lepas tu. nyenyaknyaa...
Pi carik.. jgn tak carik.. hehehhe
lyn tak boleh.. sbb tak boleh minum ice sgt2
sedapnye cendol ni...mmg favuorite saya ni...
Fav?? klu tahan minum ice takpelah.
I tak tahan. nnti batuk
ala sekali sekala...jgnla minum selalu..
sekali sekala lah ni..
selalu2 tak boleh... hehehe
yela..lau selalu mkn air batu ni ble reput tulang..hehe.. jadila followers kat blog saya
tau takpe..
sbb tu i tak minum ice yer..
i dah follow u..
thanks...invite la blogger2 lain surf blog i n jadi followers i..
thx so much...
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