Hi Lovers,
Good morning everyone!!!
How are you today???
Just got back from family gathering last night. Really tired. huhuhu..Overall its was a nice way to spend the weekend despite the hot whether. Yang tu jgn cakaplah kalau dah pergi area2 beach. Panas pantai dgn panas biasa lain skit rasenyer..
The last time I went for holiday with family, quite sometimes. But I really.. really… had so much fun :DD
Better stop here. I’m feeling kinda exhausted. Will update more soon.
Weee...sun burn x?? Mesti berkilat jek..hukhuk
Hv a beautiful week lyn ;)
cantip gambar truh lyn... suka lah tgk sunset cenggini.. emm dah lama tak bercuti kat beach...
kak lyn,
da p PD tue layan banana boat tak??
nice pic..mesti best giler holiday ni kan..
i tak mandi pantai uolsss..
takut sun burn.. hahahaha
i pun actually dah lama tak pergi..
saje release tension...
sesekali je pun.. hehehe
baca latest entry erk..
sgt besttttttttttttttt!!!
sangat la indahnya sunset itu...aku mmg la fallin love ngan nature...hehe
salam...ziarah ni...hope awak sukses...hehe
sesekali tgk sunset kan..
rase aman je dunia... hehehehe
anyway... thx yea....
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