Hi lovers,
Still remembered my previous entry?? Yesterday I went to Plaza Alam Sentral with a friend of mine. Actually, I’ve plan to go to PC Fair tomorrow. After discuss with my friend, dia suggest beli kat PAS saje. The price pun not so much different. After mendengar kata2 seorang pakar, we finally went there. Easy & nearby my office.
As we promised earlier, we met at PAS around 6.30pm. So merayau lah kami kat PAS tu mencari external hard disk. From 1 shop to another shop. Tapi kalau pergi dgn pakar, dia dah tau mane kedai yg murah & bagus. Itu untungnya. Thx my friend… :D
Finally, we end up to one shop ni. Boleh dikatakan murah dari kedai lain. So kitorang beli jelah kat situ. Cari2.. pilih yg murah & bagus. Kalau ada warna biru as bonus lah. But mane yg Lyn berkenan takda plak warna biru tuh. A bit frustrated. huhuhu
Klu ada pun, there’s 500GB which is RM300++. My budget is only RM200 saje. Tu pun tak dapat. Kena tambah skit untuk dptkan yg 320GB. But for me 320GB was good enuff. Just nak transfer pics je yg melambak2 tu jer.
Luckily, shop yg kitorang beli external hard disk ni participate masa PC Fair nnti. Based on discussion with SA, the price tak byk turun pun. Just RM5 – RM10 je. Baik beli kat sini saje. Tak lah payah nak berhimpit2 kat KLCC tu nnti. But I am really glad that I bought a pink portable hard disk for myself!!. I have needed an external hard disk for backup since last year, but have never felt rich enough to buy. Hahahaha…
Yesterday I felt rich enough because it is a pink hard disk. Yeayyyyyyyyyyyy!!
The box including S2 Portable external drive, USB cable, Carrying case, Software preloaded on the hard drive (Windows), Quick Start guide. Come into 6 colors, piano black, snow white, wine red, chocolate brown, light blue & dark pink. 3 years limited warranty.
Without casing. Errm takde warna biru, terpaksa lah rembat warna pink. Bolehlah kan dari takda.
With casing. Cun gak kan. Hehehe
Last night, bermulalah mission untuk meng’transfer’ all the data & pics to the external hard disk. Done!!! :D
So my lappie become a good one coz no pictures inside my lappie. Klu tak lembap semacam jer. Hehehehe…
wiwwwittt... pinky gak tuuuuu ext hd dia... :P so cute! skrng dh murah kan ext hd... :)
kak lyn..
how much??
ala.. jeles nie..
wane pink tue..
nk gak..
Alaaaa wawa, kak lyn nak warna biru.tapi takde lah. So amik lah warna pink yg cantik tuh.. ok lah kan...
RM240. just nice lah kan. hehe
takde biru kenalah rembat warna pink instead of black jer.. bohsan....
so sila jeles.. hahaha..
dan beli lah erk.. susah nak tgk brand yg ade warna pink.. ahahahahahaa slalu black jer..
gitu kan???!!!
weewwiit... gadget baru pergghh..
nmpk cam ok je tu ek..hernee pn nk cari 1 la..hubby tu suke save gmbr..nti mkin lame mkin lemau lappy tu jwbnye..
Wewiiiiii.... lama dah mengidam tu ayu.. hehehe
lyn beli pun sbb lappie dah mkin lembs.. so bila dah transfer mlm tadi.. lappie back to normal... suka2...
lawa lak tengok design External tuh.
lawa??? mestilah lawa.. hehehe
dee pun tgh cari something ni..usb hub yg comel2..hehehe..
pg fc fairlah...actully same jer klu beli kt mane2 pun...
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