
Today is My Busy Day

Hi lovers,

Today is last day of October..

Tomorrow is 1st November, new month mehhh..

Have a great weekend everyone..

Enuff said :)


I Got These Feeling

Hi lovers,

Hari ni, semua perasaan ku bercampur baur menjadi satu.. :(

Im in a bad mood today. I don't know why. Please tolong faham saya :(

Today, wake-up felt a little bit stomach pain. Its normal kot. Guess what?? my 1st day period. Hope i can recover fast.

I didn't get enough sleepy because of tettttttttt. At the moment i feel sleepy, zzzzzzzz. Kalau dpt tido mmg heaven giler..:)

Again, its raining. Lebat & angin sgt kuat. I'm cold. To all my friends & readers, please drive carefully yer. Jalan sgt licin hujan cam ni.

Happy weekend everyone. Enjoy u day..:)

Pictures, credited to google image.

Pantang Larang Orang2 Dulu

Happy Friday everyone!!

Sure korang sume tau serba sedikit tentang pantang larang orang2 dulu kan. Ini selalu dibawa oleh orang2 tua kita. Kadang2 tak boleh terima dek akal langsung. Kadang2 ade betulnya. Tapi sejauh mana kebenarannya kita sendiri tak pasti.

Lyn nak berkongsi sedikit pantang larang orang2 tua dulu yg Lyn ingat sampai sekarang.

* Sambung/silang kaki - Perbuatan menyilang kaki ketika meniarap especially budak2 suka buat ni. Bila budak2 buat, orang tua mesti cakap 'jgn buat camtuh nanti mak mati'.. sejauh mana kebenarannya, Wallahuallam.

* Menyanyi didapur - Selalu ditujukan pada anak2 dara. Kalau tengah masak kta dapur tuh, jgn menyanyi, orang2 tua mesti ckp... nnti kawin ngn orang tua. [Tapi klu orang tua byk duit oklah kan. Cerah masa depan.. kahkahkah]

* Buka payung dlm rumah - org2 tua cukup pantang kalau kita buka payung dlm rumah. Katanya nnti ada ular masuk. Takutnyaa...

* Duduk atas bantal - org2 tua selalu marah klu kita2 or budak2 duduk atas bantal, katanya nnti tumbuh bisul kat punggung. Padahal tak sopan lah. Kan bantal tu tempat kita letak kepala.

* Rama-rama masuk rumah - kata org2 tua ada orang nak datang. Betul gak kadang2 :)

* Cicak berbunyi - bila kita berborak, tetiba cicak kat dalam rumah berbunyi. Org2 tua selalu kata 'hah!! betul kata cicak tu'. Faham yer cicak tu, terror betul.. hehehe

Kadang2 pada Lyn nak gelak pun ada. Nak terima logik dek akal pun.. tak tau lah. Tapi pandailah kita sendiri menilainya.




Heavy afternoon, 3.45pm.

Sitting behind my office desk, typing. Busy here n there. Looking something on my table. Waiting for the fax coming in. Suddenly heavy raindrops smash on the ground. OMG!!!! I open the door & open the nearest window.. Its raining... for couple of days...

5.30pm. Still raining. Non stop for today. I was in the car, waiting for the red light turns green. Be careful yea everyone!!. Drove & straightly to my sweet home. Alhamdulillah.

8.30pm. Its raining a little...I open the windows. Close my eyes. Its so cold. But it really rained last night. Probably going to rain again tomorrow nite.

Come & join me. Let's have a drink. A cup of hot tea & cheese cake. yummmyyy..yummyyy

Take a gud rest Lyn!.. Sleep early yea... :)

Good nite everyone :)

Lonely :(

Why do i feel so lonely :(

I feel so sad.. huhuhu







I hate these feelings...

Sayang, please come home!!...

I miss u honey :(

Picture, credited to google image.

Nostalgia Dulu-dulu

Feminin, Res2, 4U2C, Kumpulan Nico, Exist... Sure korang kenal kan kumpulan rap & rock yg glamour satu ketika dulu. Pada mereka yg lahir sekitar tahun 1970an dan membesar pada thn 1990an sure korang membesar ngn lagu dorang kan. Tipulah klu korang tak kenal & tak minat. Time tu Lyn primary school. Memang minat giler ngn dorang ni. Lagu plak sedap2..

Uuiii.. zaman ni mereka paling top ok. Group gurls, sexy2. Yg boys plak.. handsome. Aduuhhaiii...Sane sini je lagu dorang. Magazine pun muka dorang gak. Album mmg terjual beribu2 unit. Mane taknyer, zaman tu budak2 sanggup beli. Klu dah album terjual beribu2 unit dpt lah platinum. Tu zaman dululah. Zaman skrg takdo lagi. Kalau nak lagu.. main download jer.. hahaha

Lyn sajalah nak kongsi citer ngn korang semua. Lyn mmg minat sgt2 ngn dorang2 ni. Album mesti beli. Tapi kena senyap2. Takut my parents tau. hehehe. Kitorang sanggup kumpul duit sbb nak beli album dorang. Tak ckup paw kakak. hehe. Slalunya kakak kitorang jadi mangsa, tolong belikan album. Kitorang ni mane lah reti nak kuar beli benda2 tu sume. Masa tu mane ada CD & VCD bagai. Ada kaset je ok. Dah beli, senyap2 dgr dlm blik. Takut kantoiii ngn my parents. hehehe

Klu ade duit lebih, beli magazine plak. Yang tak tahannya siap gunting pic or keratan lagu & tampal dlm buku exercise. Gigihkan. Bkn Lyn jer. Kawan2 pun same gak. Sok2 pegi sekolah, tunjuk lah sape yg paling hebat. Sape yg paling byk kumpul. bolehlah eksyen skit ngn kawan2..hahaha

Tu lah kisah dulu2.. kekadang tersenyum sendiri bila teringat zaman2 tu...

Sure korang pun ada yg same perangai cam Lyn kan.??? Tapi tu zaman budak2 lah. Zaman skrg ni tak lagi. Lagu lama ker, lagu baru ker.. dgr sesedap kat radio pun dah cukup. Sape yg rajin & ade duit lebih boleh beli CD. Tak pun download je lah dr internet. heheh.

Eermm kemanalah menghilangnya dorang ni kan. Sure ade yg dah bekeluarga, beranak pinak. Ntah2 dah jadi org yg berjaya kt luar sane. Yang ada skrg ni pun AC Mizal yg masih bergiat aktif. Ajai plak pencipta lagu terkenal. Shah the best guitarist. As plak dah berkahwin ngn Azman Adnan. Saw her masa Sehati Berdansa musim yg lalu. Watie plak, Lyn ada terbaca cerita terbaru die kat blog Ayu baru2 ni. Yang lain2.. tak tau kemana..huhuhu.. Sorry2.. Deqnor yer kawan2. bukan Watie. [ayu baru inform, lyn plak ingat2 lupa. hehee]

Teringin sgt nak tgk dorang ni berkumpul & menyanyi semula.. tapi apakan daya. Layan jelah lagu2 dorang kt lappie Lyn ni. Tak pun kat youtube. Best wooo layan2 perasaan. Lagi2 dgr lagu lama2. Sedap je. Lagu skrg ni kadang2 menyesakkan betul. huhuhu

ps: Ayu, nnti sampaikan salam Lyn pada Deqnor erk.. thx

Pictures, credited to google image..

Internet Connections

Happy wednesday uollssss :)

1st time i saw ads ni, i really2 don't understand
Words by words sgt memalukan....hehehe
But the end of the day, its all about P1 Wimax..:)
So people out there.. jgn salah tafsir yea...

Now, im looking forward to use another broadband..
Maxis pun dah cam hampehhh... jap ok.. jap tak ok..
Celcom, DIGI aku tak try lagi...
Some of my friends kata both ok...
Really excited with P1 Wimax, unfortunately my area tak de coverage lagi...huhuhuh
Weeeeiii bila lah nak ada coverage ni!!!....
Cepat skit aku register.. hhehee

For time being, mengadaplah ngn maxis ni dulu..
Tunggu masa je nak terminate...

To all my friends & readers...
Any suggestions??? appreciate if u can share ur experiences using any broadband..
Boleh lah Lyn timbang tara nnti...

Thx everyone!!! :)


Pergi Tidak Kembali

Salam everyone..

Just got back from my auntie's house kt Bukit Kuda, Klang. Pergi lagi seorang insan yg Lyn sayang bertemu pencipta Nya, Allah SWT. Pak Cik Lyn, yg Lyn panggil Pak Ngah menghembuskan nafasnya yg terakhir jam 3.00pm semalam.

Arwah merupakan adik ipar kepada my mum. Mengikut doc, arwah mengalami paru2 berair & sakit jantung. Arwah juga pernah kemalangan satu ketika dulu. Akibat hentakan yg kuat di kepala, arwah sukar mengingati nama2 keluarga besar kami. Kena ckp slow2, satu2 patah perkataan baru arwah ingat kembali. Walaupun begitu, arwah ttap aktif, berkebun sane sini, mmg seorang yg rajin.

Arwah yg Lyn kenal mmg suka bergurau, ketawa & mmg peramah. Kami senang bersamanyer. Dua bulan yg lepas, arwah sering keluar masuk hospital. Baru je seminggu keluar, arwah di masukkan ke hospital sekali lagi pd hari ahad lepas. Masih boleh berckp & tersenyum.

Mengikut doc, kesan hentakan kemalangan yg dulu effectnyer baru skrang. Arwah mengalami pendarahan dalaman yg sgt teruk. Disebabkan itu, arwah mengalami muntah darah tak henti2 sejak hari ahad yg lepas, dan tidak sedarkan diri sebelum menghembuskan nafasnya yg terakhir.

Erm..kehidupan didunia hanya lah sementara. Kehidupan di akhirat adalah kekal abadi.

Jenazahnya telah selamat dimandikan & dikafankan di kediaman beliau di Kampung Bukit Kuda, Klang & seterusnya disembahyangkan di Masjid berdekatan.

Alhamdulillah.. semuanyer selesai. Jenazah telah dikebumikan di Tanah Perkuburan Kampung Kuantan bersebelahan kubur orang tuanya.

Semoga Allah mencucuri rahmat ke atas roh Pak Ngah & ditempatkan dikalangan org2 yg beriman & beramal soleh. Al-Fatihah.. Amin....

Al-Fatihah untuk Arwah Abah, anak2 saudara, kaum keluarga yg telah pergi mengadap Ilahi.


My Time in Clinique

After 2 weeks using Clinique products, myself decided to see Ms. Susan Kaur. Apparently, i already made an appointment during i met her at MV. So nothing to worry. Semangat ni nak jumpa Susan walaupun dlm keadaan risau tak hingat.. hehehe

Headed to Clinique last weekend & straight way saw her at counter. My appointment at 3pm. Alhamdulillah, dia tak bz sgt. Looking at my face. Dia kata ade perubahan skit. But now pimples come out membuat kan i risau sgt2. Disebabkan itu, Lyn meng'kuarantin'kan diri sendiri. Thx Susan for ur advise & explaination. Dia kata hanya sementara je. Tapi segan lah kat org. huhu.

Kalu korang pegi.. mmg Susan akan layan korang baik punya!!!.. trust me ok... Ape2 pun thx again to Kak Red sbb recommended Susan pada Lyn.

She did mini facial to me. Best giler. Remove all the make up & all the things. So heaven rite? From steps to steps using new Clinique's product. Fyi, I need to stops currents product for time being. Susan akan beri a new sample for me utk Lyn gunakan selama 1 weeks. its only 4 items. But at the same time, still continued with the rest of products.

Before balik, she did a lite make up for me using Clinique's make up. Best gak pakai make up Clinique ni. hehehe. From the foundation, concealor, powder, mascara, eyeshadow, lipstick & lip gloss. Rase best lah plak. hehe

But Lyn.. plz concentrate with ur skin face 1st!!... make-up2 nnti lah dulu.. *ngeh..ngeh** hahhaa

I bought 2 products for myself. Last time ada dlm freebies. Tapi klu hok kecik cepat jelah abis nyer.. hehehe. Nasib lah tak mahal sgt. And I also got a new sample that i mentioned before.

Eye cream ni Lyn redeem from Clinique's newsletter last time when i met her at MV. Best pakai cream ni. So now, I got 2 eye cream for day use & night use. best tau pakai ni. boleh elakkan wrinkles & eye bags.

Thx alots to Susan again including her colleagues, Sally & Siew <-- plz corrected me if i salah.

Settled at 6.00pm & drove straightly to my home. Giler bapak penatnyerr......


Broadband Oh Berukband!!!!

Broadband... Berukband!!!!! Whats wrong with u hah!!!!

I have been using Maxis Berukband for quite sometime. Yeaaahh baru nak masuk 2 months. When 1st i got it, I like it because the speed wast FAST and GOOD, but now things changed, the service is getting from bad to worse. Since 3 days, im not be able to connected & surfing any website. WTF!!!!! service dah cam k*m*k, cam g*mP**G pun ada.. errrggghhhhh.

But i can still relax. Be patient Lyn...

Masuk hari ke 3, aku dah mula naik angin lah. Worse, worse and worse!!!. So i decided to report on technical error to customer service. Managed to call 1 2 3 from mobile phone. Ape lagi naik hangin lah aku kan. Ckp pun tak faham bahasa. dah plak kaf lam ya nga. Lagi lah aku nak hangin.

CS1 : Miss, can u change the settings like this, like this.. bla.. bla
Lyn : Done ok... but stil can't..
CS1 : Dun worry miss, i will make report for u. please remove ur modem & wait till 20 minutes.
Lyn : What the hells..Im really wasting my time talking to u. I really feel stupid right now with MAXIS. FEELING DAMN FRUSTRATED!!!!!…

Hang up.. wait till 20 minutes times.

After that, its happen again.

For the 2nd time, i called it again. informed everything about my 1st report. Gurl, rase tak sampai hati nak marah. Tapi hati ni geram jer.

CS2 : Miss, please check the settings
Lyn : Again!!!! i have check the settings & nothing is wrong.
CS2 : Go here... go there...bla bla bla
Lyn : Still can't..
CS2 : Ok miss, i will make a report for u. This is ur report no. C12345. we will monitor from here.
Lyn : How long??
CS2 : Its take around 3 -7 workings days.. if cant, we will send the technical person to ur house. Ur add bla bla bla..
Lyn : WTF!!!!! I dont care. by hook or by crook, i need maxis to settle it ASAP. i will be there at maxis center tomorrow. i want to change my modem immediately.
CS2 : sure.. u can..

hang up again, mrah ni.. siap Lyn jeritkan customer service tuh. Nasib lah. Aku peduli ape.. erggghhh.

Ada masanyer boleh ni.. dpt lah Lyn layan blog & fb jap. Siap Lyn letak status cam gitu lagi. lantak lah.. aku gerammmmmmmmmmmmm ni :(

laaaaaaa aku ingat aku je yg bermasalah. Rupanya Yaty pun kena gak. Ape lagi, berbalas comment lah kitorang. Dia pun sempat bubuh kt status die berukband sengal. Sakit hati kooooo.!!

On Saturday, headed to Maxis Center, Sunway Pyramid to complain about Maxis Berukband. Punya lah ramai org. Masa kt waiting area tu, here & there people dok pegang berukband. Sure nak complain. Mehhhh kita complain same2. hahahha <-- gelak evil

Tunggu my turn pun dah almost 1/2 hour. Bila turn i jer.. i straight away je ckp A to Z. Then terus die mintak berukband ni. Ntah ape die nak godamkan Lyn pun tak tau.

CS3 : Ok miss, i dah tukar kan settings ni sume.
Lyn : I rase 2 3 kali i call customer service same je suruh tukar setting.
CS3 : But setting ni dah lain dah, n i dah try u can surf any website.. dah ok dah skrg.
Lyn : Ok.. trust u.. if not, tomorrow i will see u again. remember that!!

Hah... tu aku ckp baik2 lah tuh. Sbb my darling dah pesan jgn ngamuk2. Slow talk je aku ckp ngn die.

Ok kawan2... let's me try again.. boleh connect ke idak??

its same things.. i can connect but can't surfing. Time yg ok pun around 12++. Time i tgh update ni laju lah. Takkanlah I nak melangok dpan lappie ni kul 12 onwards beb. I need to sleep & take a gud rest laaaaa...

Wat hal lagi kan... mmg nak kena Maxis ni. Just wait & see hah. Ni kira I bagi chance lah pakai dulu. Tak nak I byr RM200 klu terminate sbelum 1 year. Tapi I akan pastikan I takkan byr sesen pun. Aku tetap nak terminateeeeeeeeeeeee....:(

Menyesal aku terminate line streamyx kt umah. huahuahuaaaaaaaa. Line streamyx bagus wooo. sbb kabel kena curik lah aku pakai berukband ni. Tapi cam harrrrrrrrrsssss : (

With my maxis broadband, i should spend all my time on it! <--- what the hell....:(

My New Road Tax

Alhamdulillah, today internet dekat office dah ok..
If not.. i always have back up, use my own broadband.. hehehe
Then boleh merepek di pagi hari... hahhaa

Life is getting so easy as A B C and convenient each day. Click sane click sini.. everything delivered at ur doorstep. Shopping pun leh online... ni kan lagi road tax. hehehe

Ever since i owned a car, my personal car.. i've been paying the fav agent to help me renew my road tax and insurance. Fyi, every year i used her services, and Alhamdulillah sumenyer takde masalah including my personal insurance.

Fyi, we can try the online renewal service using Myeg. But I don't have time to online, bla bla.. and watsoever. Giler pemalas. Blog boleh plak on9 yer.. hahaha.

Yesterday, managed to called my agent & inform her about my insurance & road tax renewal. Kira total segala & paid to her. Done rite...Senang tak payah menyusahkan diri.:)

Today, my road tax was delivered to my office. yeayyyyy!!.. Simple as 1 2 3 rite??

OMG!!! she also used Myeg service. But i already paid her rite?? So biarkanlah segalanyer die yg uruskan.

By next week, new road tax akan terpampang di cermin kereta ku :P

So abang2 police, jgn nak saman saya yer.. saya dah renew roadtax tau.. hehehe

ps: so people out there, plz remind urself.. jgn plak terlupa nak renew roadtax. Nanti tak pasal2 kena saman plak...ngeh.. ngeh


EErrgggggghhhh... :(

Geram... geram aku geram...
Internet buat ragam...

Eerrrggghhh.. tetiba aku jd sangap kt office..
Halfday internet tak leh guna..

Email tak leh reply.. blog & segala mak nenek tak leh buat...

Dah lah menunggu email urgent from Matrade regarding business conference kat India..

Sampai laaa tak leh guna...

Memang harrrrssss & g*mp**g betul... :((

Kalau tau camni... sure aku bawak broadband pegi office...

Eerrmm..nasib baik kt umah internet ok..
klu tak.. mau aku meroyan lagi..hehe

So.. esok, make sure kena bawak broadband..
Klu tak.. masak aku nnti.
Segala benda tak leh buat...

Sorry la yer.. ter'emo' plak..

2 years ago....

Hi lovers,

See... my face look chubby rite??

I did my permanent curls 2 years ago. The reason why, i just need looks different. Walaupun my hair originally curls skit dibawahnya tpi Lyn dah wat rebonding dah time tuh.

I've opened up my mind to try out something different, which is to curl my long straight hair. Its was my sis idea. Finally... i did my hair permanent curl..

Ni adelah gara-gara nak jumpa Dafi. hehehe. Buat plak time working hours. Luckily, my bos not around. Keluar awal dr office & headed to the saloon. Rahsia nih. tak pernah dibongkarkan sbelum ni. hahahah. It took 2 1/2 hours to curl every strand of hair on my head.

Meh kita zoom... meh!!..meh!!

Don't laugh people!!

OMG!!! chubby kan???

but ianya hanya bertahan selama 2 weeks sahaja. Sbb susah nak jaga. hehe. Mcm2 nak kena bubuh. Malas i...

After big event at Stadium Bukit Jalil, i did my hair rebonding again. Dlm sebulan, 2 hairstyles yg berbeza. Duit pun melayang same. hahahhaa

u kan diva.. kenalah lain dr yg lain..
motiffff. i bukan diva uolssss... i divo jer.. hahahha

tu lah kata2 Amy. Smpai skrg Lyn teringat..:)

moral of the story: I don't really like the curls

Hitam Putih Kehidupan

I love this song. Sejuk je hati bila mendengar nyer..
Kawan2 plz enjoy ok..:)


Lihatlah Sekitar Alam
Dunia Luas Terbentang
Langit Tinggi Kebiruan
Pohon-pohon Kehijauan
Hembusan Bayu Yang Menyegarkan

Dengarkan Di Sana-sini
Beburung Riang Menyanyi
Berbunga Aneka Warna
Sumber Kedamaian Jiwa
Mensyukuri Nikmat Maha Esa

Begitu Berharga Kehidupan Ini
Bagi Mereka Yang Tahu Menghargai
Mengapa Terdorong Oleh Perasaan
Kalau Turutkan Hati Diri Menjadi Korban

Tiada Yang Dapat Lari Dari Masalah Diri
Hadapi lah Dengan Tenang
Tiap Cabaran Yang Datang
Atasinya Dengan Keimanan

Sekadar Buat Renungan
Untukmu Teman Tersayang
Hitam Putih Masa Depan
Sendirian Menentukan
Hidup ini Usah Persiakan

Dua Insan

Hi lovers,

Citer ni Lyn nak kongsi ngn korang sume. Bkn kisah dogeng.. kisah benar yg berlaku seminggu yg lalu. Pilu... sedih.. dan segala perasaan bercampur menjadi satu.

Citer tentang dua pesakit cancer. Dua wanita yg masih muda. Masih belum berkahwin, tetapi tenang mengharungi liku2 hidup bagi memastikan kesihatan mereka dlm keadaan baik.

Walaupun Lyn tak mengenali beliau, tetapi Lyn selalu mendengar ceritanyer melalui bakal adik ipar nya sendiri iaitu my colleague. Sanggup berkorban kasih sayang bagi memastikan org yg di sayang bahagia. Sanggup mencarikan perempuan lain utk kekasih hatinya. Tapi tak terlaksana, kerana kekasih hatinya tu tak boleh menerima org lain dlm idupnya.

Sudahlah anak yatim piatu, hidup plak bersama kakak tersayang. Bertarung nyawa sendirian. Siapalah yg tidak mahu berkahwin & mempunyai keluarga sendiri, tapi apakan daya 3 hari sebelum merisik, beliau menghembuskan nafasnyer yg terakhir. Hancur lulur bakal suami nya..

Seorang lagi pesakit cancer, niece kpd my GM. Baru dpt tau mengidap penyakit tersebut pd awal thn ni. Bergantung sepenuhnya kepada pihak hospital. Tetapi sewaktu my GM melawatnyer di hospital baru2 ini, tu lah lambaian terakhir darinya. Di dalam perjalanan, die dpt panggilan tel yg mengatakan anak buahnyer telah menghembuskan nafas yg terakhir.

Eerrmm.. segala2nya berlaku sekelip mata.

Dua insan yg mengidap penyakit yg sama..

Bertarung nyawa sendirian.. hanya mengharapkan kekuatan & semangat

Akhirnya menghembus nafas yg terakhir di hari yg sama...

Sedih, pilu, hiba... esak tangis...

Semoga Allah mencucuri Rahmat ke atas roh mereka & ditempatkan di kalangan org2 yg beriman & beramal soleh.. Al-Fatihah..


Kemuncak Jom Jalan Raya Bersama Dafi

Hi lovers,

Alhamdulillah, semua telah berjalan dgn lancar. Walaupun ianya tak semeriah event yg lepas2, tapi we proud of Dafi & dafinites sbb sudi meluangkan masa untuk menjayakan Kemuncak Jom Jalan Raya Dafi di Hotel Putra, Kuala Lumpur.

Masih mengekalkan konsep tradisi, tetapi yg unik nya kali ni kita mengadakan Jom Jalan Raya di 3 buah rumah Dafinites yg terpilih pd waktu pagi.

Konsep kunjung-mengunjung masih diterapkan walaupun Syawal telah tiba di penghujungnya. Dan kami akhiri ngn majlis kemuncak dimana Dafi, Dafi's family, VIDs/AIDs, Dafinites berkumpul ditengah2 bandar Kuala Lumpur.

Segala persiapan di buat seawal yg mungkin sebelum menjelangnya puasa.

Seawal pagi, kami bersiap sedia menghias dewan yg bakal mengukir sejarah Kelab Peminat Dafi, Malaysia. Konsep yg sgt simple, meriah & santai kami terapkan untuk majlis kali ini.

Terasa kemeriahannya. Hingga kan wajah penat mampu memberikan senyuman yang amat bermakna pd semua tetamu yg hadir. Hilang segala kepenatan dan keletihan yang kami rasai bagi memastikan semuanya berjalan dengan lancar.

Thx to VIDs, AIDs - Syukur Alhamdulillah our event berjalan dgn lancarnya. in fact, it was a blast. Thx for all support n effort. We're such a great team. I had fun with u guyz. Luv u guyz..

Thx to Dafinites yg sudi hadir ke majlis tersebut. U ols mmg sporting. Walaupun penat, tpi kerenah & keceriaan korang tuh membuatkan kami happy sgt2. Thx to dafinites yg sudi menolong seawal pagi especially Yaty & Shima.

Thx to media yang hadir . Tak lupa juga utk Dafi's family kerana turut hadir memeriahkan majlis kami. Thx for ur support, contribution towards Dafi & DFC.

InsyaAllah, we will see u again for the next event. :)


Temporary Curls

Hi lovers,

Ever wonder how i look in curls :) Ermm.. im always thinking about that too. But malas nak menjaganya. And one more thing, sure my face look so chubby. So it kinda worries me if i have curls. sgt2 merisaukan. huhuhu. To be honest, I don't really like the curls

On the 1st stage, Lyn nak wat sanggul bagai. But its to expensive plak.

Finally, i decide to... curls my hair.. hehehe

I did temporary curls yesterday at Pertama Complex, KL for the Jom Jalan Raya Dafi thingy. I went with Fara & Yaty. Same goes with them, everyone did temporary curls. hehehe.


See.. my temporary curls....

Now, its gone already after few hours. Balik dari event, i wash it. Coz tak nak hair spray tu melekat lama2 kt my hair. hehehe


Because I'm Bored

1. Because I'm bored, i bought the 'Ayat Ayat Cinta' on dvd last few month. I know im outdated. Tapi cerita tu sgt2 best. I tgk ulang2 tau.. so shut up plzzz!!.. hehehe.

2. I keep complaining especially to my sis. Baju ni tak kenalah kak kat adik.. baju ni pun tak kena gak. Lama2 die yg pening. At last die cakap per tau.. Baik ko b***l je lah dik.. Susah sgt nak pilih baju. And i was like.. eerrggghhhh.. bengong tul.

3. Because I'm bored, I've made my twitter account especially for anyone yg kenal i. Please add me at http://twitter.com/azlinah79. Tapi jarang sgt update. Cam malas plak.. hehehee.

4. Because I'm bored, I sleep alots.. Alotsss..Nak tdo almost everyday n feel like hoping i never wake up. Giler tak giler.. hahhaha

Feel Better :)

Im feeling much better now on this new day...
Your comments really did help me through a ****** situation.
Thx everyone... :)

Jiwa Kacau :(

I feel so miserable, uneasy to do anything...
eergghh I hate these feelings... :(

Ketupat Ribbon

On Monday, Amy called me while I was still at office. We had to decorate our hall for the Jom Jalan Raya Bersama Dafi thingy by end of this weekend. Yesterday we went to buy the fancy ribbon for the decorations.

Hehe.. to tell truth, the 1st time i learnt doing the ketupat was with my lovely mum a few years ago, but I didn't. My mum siap ngn rotan.. siap pukul2 tgn i pun.. till now i cant make it. sian kan i.. huhuh :(

So last nite the project was with my sis. She is done eveything. I just look around. Yang penting semua siap. Kejammmm kan.. hahhaha

Thx u Kak Teh.
Luv u.. muaahhhhh :)


The Best RedBunny

Im sure that everyone dah tahu, sbb dah banyak posting yg dah dibuat. Im really sorry for the late post. Have been busy this a few days. Ni pun mencurik2 time nak update gak. heheheh.

Playboy is launching their brand new line of men’s fragrances at Mid Valley. Walaupun special for men out there, the main point to catch the designers bag, PRADA or BURBERRY. walaweeiiiii.. best dowhhhh :)

I headed to MV for skin specialist by Clinique. Lyn telah diroger oleh Kak Red beberapa hari lepas to be at MV on Sat. Disbbkan im going to skin specialist, terus jelah support Kak Red. Im free lorr... y not..

Managed to see Amy at Clinique promo, i bumped into Yaty also at Clinique. Fyi, i kenal Yaty since she is one of the Dafinites of DFC. Tak sangka terjumpa die. Alang2, kitorang gerak skali. Finally i saw Ayu, Fana with Mr. N, Rose with her lovely daughter, Amira & the gang.

Gerek sih Kak Red, complete with the costume. U're totally like a bunny.. hehehe. The young lady, wife, hot mama & the popular female Malay blogger.

Cantik kan costume itew...kitorang ni sempat duk belek baju kak red, siap dengan accesories sponsored by Gegirl, mmg meletops akak kita yg sorang ni. pot pet pot pet.. bla.. bla.. duk citer mcm2 time ni. Event lak lambat.. huhuhu

Fyi, there will only be 30 bunny ears to be provided to the first 30 hotties that register as a bunny at the Playboy road show. But only 13 bunny participate to this contest. Harapan Kak Red nak menang sgt cerah ok. Siap bwk penyokong lagi.. giler tak menang.. hahhaa. orang lain adooooo.. tak adoooo... hehehe

Tapi bukan senang nak senang yea.. semua bunny kena catwalk. Tapi catwalk Kak Red yg paling kelasssss!! Siap goyang2 gitu. gud job sis.

Finished with catwalk thingy, all the bunnies dpt papers untuk vote mereka. Kak Red with number 2. Kitorang ape lagi vote lah for her.

Tak dpt dinafikan PR Kak Red mmg bagus, selamba jer die walk around & ask for votes. Selamba kan. Kitorang pun selamba jelah mintak votes gak. Malu belakang citer beb..

During announcement, kitorang sgt berdebar2 erkk.. tapi klu Kak Red tak menang mau aku jerit kuat2.

Finally, with 85 votes Redmummy from Redmummy.com as a winner. Alhamdulillah, she's won & the Prada adalah milik mutlaknya.. hahhaa

Kami semua adalah terkejut, coz on the 1st place she want the Burberry. Nape Kak Red amik Prada?? sbb reversible. Good choice.. :)

Lyn sgt2 puas hati. Finally she with reversible Prada bag that she won. Lyn dpt pegang2 pun jadiklah. berkat2...

We got deodorant body spray from Abg Nara yang handsome. Giler susah nak amik pic ngn die ni. Jap nak.. jap tak nak.. sedeyyyyy

Everyone running out of energy. Lyn & Amy dah penat sgt. Around 6pm kitorang chow. Tak larat dah.

Thx to Amy with nice shawl. ColourfuI. I like very much. The deodorant from Abg Wan @ beautifulnara. Of coz Lyn akan bagi pd abg Lyn & the VS body lotion from Kak Red. Smell good yea.. :)

Thx everyone. I had fun with u guyz.. :))


1 hour in Clinique's Promo

As i mentioned earlier, yesterday i headed to Mid Valley again to attended one slot with medication doc arranged by Clinique.

I also got a phone call early in the morning from Clinique, nak remind me pasal appointment tu. Gigihkan dorang ni.. hehehehe

Smpai sgt awal, but i had to wait around 10 minute sementara menunggu my turn.

Through her doc advices, the beautiful lady shared all her secrets, to get the perfect skin thru medication. Its all about the skin, face & body. Keep asking so many things from A to Z. She did everything to me. Good information. Good advise & i really2 much appreciated :)

My slot finished around 25 minutes.

Met Susan for 2nd time. She's still looking at my face after 3 - 4 days using Clinique's product. Alhamdullilah ada sedikit perubahan.

Thank you Clinique for your help.

My next appointment will be held at Pavillion soon. Ada sape mau teman?? plzzzzz

Entry Redbunny aka Redmummy will be the next!! :)

Stay tuned!!!!!


My New Skin Care Set

Hi Lovers,

Thank for visiting my simple blog, yang tak seberapa ni.. :)

Well.. im happy to say that.. i have fullfilled 1 thing that i've been looking forward to do a few months ago.

Its happened last year, which is my close fren used it & she got new feedback from this product. But time tu berkira2 mau beli.. hehehe. I used normal skin care coz my skin quite sensitive. Period or stress skit mula lah kuar pimples. So cm takut2 jer nak guna product lain.. huhu. I just maintain my own product.

Selepas study, timbang tara kt Redmummy.com, even Kak Red sendiri already used it, RM's readers pun memberi komen yg memberangsangkan plus plak Kak Red byk buat review about this product, membuatkan Lyn betul2 teruja nak menggunakannya. After thinking of something, duit yg dikumpul Alhamdulillah dah ckup. Orang kata berkat tabung menabung, hehehe. Finally i decided to change to the new brand which is CLINIQUE.

Before that, as i mention earlier.. i just need some advise from Kak Red, maklumlah dia berpengalaman menggunakan product ni. Managed to email her & Alhamdulillah she's gave me positive feedback. Thx so much kak :)

Remembered i told u before, Kak Red byk sgt membantu & she keep me informed, Lyn.. please jumpa Susan, dia akan tolong ko smpai puas hati. I keep her words.

I went to Mid Valley after working hours to bought the new skin care. I straightly headed to Clinique's promo at North Court & one of the SA approch me. Then i did mention to her, Im looking for Susan. yeah...Im Susan...Thx god, my name is Lyn, from RM's readers. Die mintak i dtg jumpa u. bla.. bla.. bla.. OMG!! senang kan.. tak payah Lyn nak tanya2.. kebetulan... she's the one.. hehehe

Bukan senang nak senang tau, i had to go step by step. I spent almost 3 hours to get all the information & etc. Susan started the skin care check 1st. Mine is oily skin especially on the T zone area. She need to know what product are used it earlier. I keep on inform her everything about my skin. dah cam interview plak.. heheheh.

Betul kta Kak Red, kamu akan dilayan baik oleh SA Clinique. I tak nafikan. Semuanyer mmg ramah tamah. She did everything to me A to Z. I learnt everything about skin care. Im the lucky person. To be honest i learnt from the beginning. Cam anak2 kecil nak berjalan. Kan bertatih2 dulu. Same like me. Learn & learn.. hehehe

Below are the list that i had to bought. Tu pun ade 2 - 3 barang Lyn tolak tepi. Amik yg mane perlu dulu. Of coz within the budget.hehehe

I got alots of freebies :)) Mane yang tkde dlm freebies tu, Lyn kena beli. Yg kecik pun tak tau bila nak habisnyer. Finally, i bought the Clinique set already. Alhamdulillah. Settle & paid at counter.

Before balik, Susan nak remove all the make up using Clinique product. From step to step, step 1, 2 & 3 & everything di muka Lyn. From time to time, Lyn still belajar & the information sgt2 berguna.

She used make up remover, mask, liquid soap, clarifying lotion, moisturizer, moisturizer surge & etc pada muka Lyn. Rase best & lembut jer. I really2 like very much :)

She's the one yg byk menolong Lyn. Thx to Susan Kaur, senior consultant for made my day. Thx for everything & layanan yang sangat2 best. Citer punya citer, she's originally from Klang. Sekampunglah kita & berdarah same yea.. Bkn darah A, B or 0 bagai.. i mean keturunan. hehehhe.

Selain freebies, i also got RM100 free Clinique Personal Make up Workshop worth RM100, valid til 31st Dec 2009 & travel bag. Its come in 2 colors, green & orange. Klu ada blue, mau Lyn rembat blue. tapi takde. so Lyn amik the green one, which is my sayang nyer fav color. hehehe...

After dah membeli kenalah disiplin diri untuk memakai sume tu. Alaahhhaii.. berjam2 Lyn amik masa nak belek muka bagai.hehe. Its took almost 1/2 hour nak memakainyer. Still terkial2 lagi. But dun worry, Susan dgn baiknya telah menuliskan step nyer untuk Lyn.

InsyaAllah lepas ni expert lah kan.. hehehhe

So Lyn!!!... make sure disiplin kan diri tuh. Remember that!!!!

My next appointment will be held after 2 weeks i used it. Jumpa lagi Susan at Pavillion.

Tomorrow, i have to attend 1 slot with specialist by Clinique. Tanya lah ape saje pun pasal skin. Thx to Susan again sbb tolong slot kan time for myself.

& after that i will be at concourse, MV nak support someone. Ingat amanat die dah. Dtg beramai2.. Kasik meriah gitu. hehehe :)