Sleepy…. Sleepy…Huhuhu

I spent 3 hours last night watching Ayat-Ayat Cinta DVD. As always, I felt sleepy while watching DVD . Tak kisah lah cerita apa pun. Tapi sebab dah teringin sangat nak tgk. Layan jerlah. Hehehe. But I watched it all the way through anyway. Nak tak nak bersengkang mata gak lah. Hehehehe. Sebab tu, Lyn selalu layan DVD during my weekend. Boleh tidur lambat. Hehhee

Time kerja layan DVD berjam2 memang sure akan mengantuk. After the movie, I was still feeling drowsy, so I decided went to bed. Sedar2 dah pagi je. Mmg tidur lena tak hingat lah.

This morning, as usual went to the office even mengantuk pun. Kerja kena buat jugak. Sendiri mau ingat lah kan. Lunch tadi dpt lah lelapkan mata jap. Tapi bila dah having heavy lunch, mata sure mengantuk semula. Huhuhu

Now that I’m still in my place, I have another 3 hours before going back, so I’m entertaining myself with Ayat-Ayat Cinta. It’s just a movie kind of day :DD

Lyn.. please open ur eyes!!!

Lalalalalalalalalala :D


lily lotus said...

layan jgn tak layan..mengantuk mmg kacaulah ekk

Lyn Yusoff said...

sesekali leh lah layan lily..
tapi ngantuk mmg tak leh elak.. hehehe