I have had my BlackBerry for about a year... and if you know me you know I am never without it because I'm addicted to it. I tweet with it, BBM and now I’m addicted to play word search thru BB. It’s awesome!!!
Last time, Lyn sibuk main hangman. Tapi lepas satu tahap dah jadi bosan. So I’ve just installed Word Search games in my BB. Wuhuuuuuuuuuu..Kat stage ni leh pilih mcm2 category.. Players can choose from an assortment of categories such as animals, body, house, food & etc. Then boleh select size pulak. Nak besar, nak kecik pun boleh.
Normally, we’re used to the pen and paper versions in the newspaper, books, magazines, even on the Internet. Nowadays, we can used BB. Semakin canggih gitu…
Now, I’m addicted to it. Dulu Lyn perhabis duit beli word search yg hok buku2 tuh. Lepas satu, satu Lyn beli. Sekarang ni boleh layan thru BB jer. Lepas tu leka sampai makan pun boleh lupa. Hahaha
kaklyn camno nak donlot games ni..
add nad dlm bbm k
i pun suka!
download kat BB application sayang..
owhh nnti kak lyn add ok
me of coz
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