It’s my month… yeayyyyyyy..
I got sms from MAC saying that as per below…
Greetings from MAC Midvalley, We offer you, our priority customer, a complimentary make-up services as your birthday gift.
I tot i want to used during my birthday itself, but tak boleh since there’re some promo new item in MAC. Only available from 2nd till 7th March 2011. So since I’m free on Friday, I mean lunch hour terus jer zassss ke MV. Roger Neo sekali. So that leh lunch together.
So terus jumpa PIC & mintak dorang make-up kan.Before make-up. Masa dtg office just make-up lite2 jer. Takde lah pakai eyeshadow segala bagai. Just foundation, compact powder & lipstick.
The make-up artist tu apply lah segala bagai kat muka ku itu. Dari foundation sampai ke lipstick. Semua dorang buatkan. Best2…
After make-up. Very simple make-up coz I need to go back to work. Sukanyaaaaa. Sampai office ade gak yg tegur, lain betul make-up hari ni. Tadi lain, ni dah jadi lain. Biasalah.. make-over gitu. Cumanya tak pakai eyelashes jer. Klu pakai sure meletop top top. Hahahaha
bestnya ka...bila la lisa nak rasa mcm ni...ngan perut boyot lagi..
boleh je pergi lisa selagi larat.. hehhee
x leh la lynn...nak bwk babies ni berat...huhu...jalan kejap berhenti..jalan sikit lagi..berhenti lagi...nak shopping baju baby pun x larat tau..
meletop top top katanya.... hehehe
alahaiiii ciannyer dia..
takpe2... nnti dah lepas pantang boleh jln laju ok.. hehehe
haruslah meletop top2 katanya
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